GuideDota 2 Indonesia - Vengeful Spirit atau Shendelzare merupakan hero agility dengan kemampuan ganking yang baik. Selain berpotensi sebagai ganker, Vengeful Spirit mampu memberikan tambahan damage untuk teman-temannya dan mengurangi armor musuh.Vengeful Spirit juga bisa mengeluarkan stun untuk men-disable musuh dan menukar posisi Vengeful Spirit dengan hero lain untuk keperluan ganking atau
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Friday November 3, 2017. Guide Dota 2 Indonesia: Drow Ranger - Traxex
Drow Ranger, si pemanah yang memiliki Spesial skill yang meningkatkan Damage agility, dengan kelebihannya ini di mid game drow telah mamiliki damage yang sakit untuk menusuk musuhnya. Oke bro kita simak skill, guide dan trik cara memakai si cantik drow ini. SKILL Picture Dotafire Skill yang membuat musuhmu kebingungan dalam menghadapimu, dengan membuat musuhmu lambat dalam bergerak dia tidak bisa menyentuhmu atau kabur dari kamu. Picture Dotafire Skill Silent yang berguna untukmu kalo kamu ingin melawannya secara 1 lawan 1, dan skill ini sangat berguna waktu war, kamu bisa membuka war dengan menggunakan skill ini, setelah musuhmu terkena silent teman-teman mu masuk kedalawm war tersebut, musuhmu bingung akan melakukan apa karna sudah terkena silent darimu. Picture Dotafire Skill yang membuat peningkatan damage untukmu dan temanmu Range, dan kalo skill ini di klik semua creep allied akan mendapatkan aura dari skill ini. Picture Dotafire Yap spesial skill mu ini akan mmbuatmu lebih cepat berkembang dengan tambahan damage agility 40/60/80. Skill Build kamu adalah hitter yang sangat menyakiti lawanmu, maka yang harus kamu lakukan adalah pentokin dulu skill "Precision Aura E" ambil skill Gust cukup 1 level saja, Spesial skill Markmanship kamu ambil pada level 6, 11, 16. pengembilan skill pada setiap level yang harus kamu ambil untuk menjadi "The Real Hitter" -Level 1 ~ "Precision Aura" E -Level 2 ~ "Gust" W -Level 3 ~ "Precision Aura" E -Level 4 ~ "Bonus Stat" -Level 5 ~ "Precision Aura" E -Level 6 ~ "Markmanship" R -Level 7 ~ "Precision Aura" E -Level 8 ~ "Bonus Stat" -Level 9 ~ "Bonus Stat" -Level 10 ~ "Bonus Stat" -Level 11 ~ "Markmanship" R -Level 12 ~ "Bonus Stat" -Level 13 ~ "Bonus Stat" -Level 14 ~ "Bonus Stat" -Level 15 ~ "Bonus Stat" -Level 16 ~ "Markmanship" R -Level 17 ~ "Bonus Stat" -Level 18 ~ "Gust" W -Level 19 ~ "Bonus Stat" -Level 20 ~ "Gust" W -Level 21 ~ "Gust" W -Level 22 ~ "Frost Arrows" Q -Level 23 ~ "Frost Arrows" Q -Level 24 ~ "Frost Arrows" Q -Level 25 ~ "Frost Arrows" Q Item Build Starter Game Item Wraith-band Tango cukup 2 item ini yang kamu butuhkan diawal game, dengan tango kamu bisa bertahan di lane, dan wraith band membantu tambahan damage kamu untuk creeping dan nyicil hero lawan. Early Game Item Phase-Boots Wraith-Band Wraith-Band Pada level 6 usahakan iem ini sudah kamu miliki, dengan 2 wraith-band kamu memiliki 18 damage 6 Agility + 3 Damage X 2 dan 24 Damage dari Phase Boots, total kamu memiliki 42 damage ditambah 42 damage yang diberikan oleh spesial skill "markmanship" dan bonus stats lalu dengan bantuan skill Precision Aura yang kamu miliki pada level ini kamu mendapat tambahan damage 32%, total damage yang kamu miliki pada level ini adalah 110 Damage, itu sangat menyakitkan untuk setiap lawan yang kamu terror. dan jangan lupa untuk membeli item life steal MoM atau Helm of the Dominator. Mid Game Item Aganim-Scepter Dragon-Lance Mungkin ada yang bertanya, "untuk apa Drow Ranger bikin aganim, apa gunanya ?" saya coba jawab deh ya, aganim ini bisa membuat setiap panah yang dilesatkan oleh drow ranger menjadi mencar, hero yang ada disekitar target yang kamu panah akan terkena damage yang bervariasi mulai dari 25% - 75%. mirip seperti skillnya Luna Moon Glaive. dengan memiliki item aganim dan dragon-lance +130 Attack Range yang kamu miliki di mid game, kamu dapat membuat lawanmu mati dengan cepat, dan pada saat war kamu berperan sebagai hitter yang benar-benar membuat lawan mu sekarat dengan cepat tanpa bisa menjangkau kamu. Late Game Item Mjollnir Black-King-Bar Mjollnir yang dipadukan dengan aganim akan membuat attack area yang kamu berikan terasa lebih sakit untuk lawan mu, dan dengan "Black King Bar" kamu bisa maju dan meratakan musuh yang ada dihadapanmu. Luxury Item Boots of Travel Aganim-Scepter Dragon-Lance Mjollnir Black-King-Bar Satanic Sekian Guide Hitter untuk Drow Ranger, biar lebih jelas silahkan liat video untuk tutorial guidenya dibawah... Untuk masukan silahkan berikan komentar anda dikolom komentar Untukminimum speknya adalah. Prosessor : Core 2 duo 2ghz +. RAM / Memory : 2GB. VGA : 128Bit 512MB AMD Atau NVDIA. Windows : Seven 7 32bit. Dengan hanya spek murah seperti itu kamu sudah bisa bermain dota 2 dengan setingan kanan, dan rata fps 27-30 dan setingan medium dapat 40-50 fps. Gameplay[] Playstyle Drow Ranger is a deadly archer, chilling and killing her enemies with volleys of Frost Arrows. Her powerful Multishots will tear through her enemies from a safe distance, and a timely Gust can silence groups of enemies at pivotal moments. With her great Marksmanship, she can pierce the armor of her foes and deal tremendous damage. However, Drow Ranger is fairly fragile with no decent escape ability, thus she often struggles against faster and more aggressive melee heroes. Pros Cons High single target damage. Good chaser. Buffs other ranged heroes. Decent at farming. Has got 2 semi-disables powerful slow and silence Dependent on attributes. No escape mechanism. Fragile, slow, and easily ganked. Slow attack animation. Somewhat demands mana. Ultimate can be disabled if opponents get too close. Carry[] Prioritize Multishot and Marksmanship to increase Drow Ranger's damage output. An early point in Frost Arrows allows Drow Ranger to harass without drawing creep aggro. If properly protected by supports, Drow Ranger can rush Multishot instead of Frost Arrows in order to maximize her damage potential, thus ensuring a power spike at level six. Ability Builds[] Generic Drow Ranger 1234567891011121314151617182025 Free Farming Drow Ranger 1234567891011121314151617182025 Talents[] Tips & Tactics[] General[] Drow Ranger is usually played in the safe lane, with a support. Drow Ranger is easily ganked. Make sure not to overextend if your support is not nearby. Drow Ranger is all about positioning, since her Marksmanship bonus is disabled if an enemy closes to within 400 range, and because she is extremely fragile. Because of the damage bonuses from her abilities, Drow Ranger is slightly less dependent on items than other carries, but can still be shut down in the early game. Be careful not to take any needless risks. Drow Ranger deals more damage to buildings than other carries thanks to her building items that directly grant her stats, and should always capitalize on any opportunity to take down a tower. Due to her slow attack animation, Drow Ranger should focus primarily on farming until she has her first point in Marksmanship. If you are having trouble timing last hits, try moving closer to the creep wave. Animation cancelling with the Stop hotkey S by default can also help with timing. In general, Drow Ranger tends to build items that grant her stats instead of raw damage, because Multishot only uses base damage, not bonus damage, and Marksmanship grants bonus agility based on her current agility base and bonus. She desperately needs Agility and Strength for obvious reasons, but she also needs Intelligence as her abilities and items are extremely mana-cost intensive. A simple Silver Edge Manta BKB costs a whopping 250 mana, not to mention her 3 basic abilities have extremely high mana-costs compared to her mediocre mana pool. Abilities[] Frost Arrows[] With level four Frost Arrows, Drow Ranger can kite most melee heroes. Manually casting Frost Arrows known as orbwalking prevents Drow Ranger from drawing creep/tower aggro. Use this tactic to harass, kite, and escape enemies when caught out. Use Frost Arrows sparingly during the early game, as they can drain Drow Ranger's mana fairly quickly. Frost Arrows are good for harassing enemies in lane, allowing Drow Ranger to land several hits while the target slowly retreats. Because of the slow, Drow Ranger does not need to constantly try and catch up to her target, meaning that she should always be kept at least 400 range away to ensure Marksmanship's bonus damage is active. At higher levels, Drow Ranger can simultaneously kite and attack enemies with Frost Arrows. Frost Arrows can be used to slow and prevent an enemy from chasing down an ally. Always toggle autocast on Frost Arrows when you anticipate an incoming fight. Combined with almost any other source of slow, Frost Arrows will reduce enemies to a crawl. Frost Arrows can be used to kite and farm jungle creeps, although this can be mana intensive. When chasing multiple enemies with your team, hitting each target once, or cycling through targets, may prevent any of them from getting away. With Aghanim's Scepter, Frost Arrows essentially becomes an area-of-effect slow. Gust[] Gust is Drow Ranger's only means of defense, and should not be used lightly. Use Gust defensively to push enemies who get too close, keeping them beyond the 400 Marksmanship bonus range. Use Gust offensively to interrupt enemies who try to react to your attacks with a disable or an escape ability. With Blink Dagger, Drow Ranger can use Gust to initiate on and gank single targets. If an enemy is already hit by a long disable such as Cyclone or Disruption, Drow Ranger can move to the opposite side of her target, and push them backwards with Gust right after the first disable ends. In a teamfight, try to catch as many enemies with Gust as possible, preferably as a follow up to your team's initiator. This will shut down the enemy for several seconds, during which Drow Ranger can pick off one or two targets. Use Gust on an enemy team in the Roshan Pit to push them further inside, and render them unable to respond. With good timing, it is possible to push enemies onto different elevations like cliffs. With a Shadow Blade, Drow Ranger can gank by taking a shot with the effect of Frost Arrows to break the invisibility, then immediately using Gust. This leaves the target slowed, and silenced, and therefore unable to react apart from using items. Multishot[] Multishot can be used to great extent when flash farming, having a support stack the small camp in the early game then using Multishot can help Drow possibly acquire a neutral drop, which could accelerate her game. Multishot can be used during team fights from a safe distance, potentially hitting multiple heroes up to 3 times with high damage frost arrows. Multishot can be used to hit multiple camps at the same time. Multishot is excellent when defending towers, as you hit creeps and heroes from a safe distance. Multishot can be useful to finish off enemies that get out of range or into the fog of war with low health; as it has two times Drow's normal attack range and can hit enemies in the fog of war. Tips needed. Marksmanship[] Marksmanship's particle effect disappears when enemies are nearby. Items[] Starting items Early game Mid game Late game Situational items Mask of Madness is a good source of lifesteal, and is useful for farming. It also provides a nice boost to Drow Ranger's attack and movement speed, but it comes at the cost of being unable to use her Frost Arrows. In late game, it can be disassembled to build Satanic and/or Butterfly. Silver Edge builds naturally from Shadow Blade, providing valuable stats and break. Diffusal Blade allows Drow Ranger to ambush an enemy hero with Gust, then quickly burn away their mana during the silence period. Aghanim's Scepter causes Drow Ranger's attacks to splinter, hitting two random units near the primary target. Alone, it can be a weak upgrade, but combined with several attack modifier items, it can allow Drow to heavily damage a grouped up enemy team. Mjollnir is typically picked up if planning to build Aghanim's, as it speeds up her early farming ability, and the secondary splinter shots will be able to proc Chain Lightning. Satanic provides Drow Ranger with a huge amount of lifesteal for a short period of time, allowing Drow Ranger to stand her ground and regain practically all of her health with just a few shots. Manta Style provides Drow Ranger with mobility, stats, and the ability to dispel debuffs and create illusions of herself. Since the illusions spawn with it benefit from Marksmanship agility bonus, the item considerably increases Drow Ranger's damage output, especially when sieging buildings. Consider an Eye of Skadi late game if you are fighting fast and or tanky heroes. It provides valuable attributes, useful health and mana to sustain Frost Arrows for longer, and the slow stacks with Frost Arrows, reducing most opponents to minimum movement speed. It also has the utility of reducing health regen, making it very valuable against tanks. Monkey King Bar provides a considerable damage boost. However, it provides no defensive bonuses, thus making Drow Ranger into even more of a glass cannon. Besides, Drow Ranger does not need to rely on it as a counter against evasion heroes, since she generally benefits accuracy from Marksmanship. Daedalus provides Drow Ranger with a critical strike chance, which synergizes well with the attack speed and damage she gets from her abilities, maximizing her damage output. Scythe of Vyse gives Drow all the mana regen she will ever require, allowing the user to never need to turn off frost arrows. Most importantly, it provides Drow with a disable, which is useful in multiple ways such as greater teamfight control and the ability to become a proper assassin, catching fleeing or lonely foes and bursting them down with ease. HelpNeeded. Dota 2 Wiki is short on editors. Please help us in any way you can. Create pages for new patches and new cosmetic items. Improve the tips and counters section of most heroes. Update the Unreleased Content page regularly after each patch. Translate English pages to other language pages.
Ranged-Disabler-Pusher Hero Statistik Kelebihan & Kekurangan Kelebihan Hero dengan agility terbanyak se-dota 2 Damagenya sangat tinggi bahkan untuk di early game Tidak terlalu bergantung dengan mana Memiliki skill silence Memiliki skill slow yang sangat membantu untuk membunuh musuh Memberikan bonus damage ke ranged unit/hero Kekurangan Kewalahan melawan melee hero, khususnya yang dapat blink Tidak memiliki skill kabur Sangat mudah untuk dibunuh Sangat membutuhkan item Bonus damagenya akan hilang ketika didekati oleh musuh Skill Penjelasan Skill Frost Arrow skill 1 milik drow ranger, skill ini akan memberikan attack modifier pada serangan drow ranger. Musuh yang terkena skill ini akan terkena efek slow movement speed sebesar 64% level 4 selama detik untuk hero dan 7 detik untuk non-hero unit Penjelasan Skill Ketika menggunakan skill ini, musuh yang ada didepan drow ranger akan terdorong ke belakang dan terkena efek silence, durasi dorongan skill ini adalah detik level 4 dan durasi silence sebanyak 6 detik level 4. Jarak Gust adalah 900 range dan efek knockbacknya sejauh 350 range Talent Tree Jika mengambil talent +350 distance gust/knockback maka jarak dari skill ini akan bertambah sebanyak nilai tersebut dan menjadi 1250 range dan jarak knockback menjadi 700 range. Penjelasan Skill Precision Aura adalah skill yang menambahkan bonus damage kepada ranged hero/unit tim dan dirinya sendiri. Bonus damage yang di dapatkan tergantung dari agility yang dimiliki drow ranger yang berarti semakin banyak agility yang dimiliki drow semakin banyak pula damage yang dihasilkan. Bonus damage dari skill ini sebesar 38% level 4 dari agility yang dimiliki drow ranger. Aura radius dari skill ini bersifat global jadi semua range unit mendapatkan bonus damage yang sama. Talent Persentase agility sebagai damage bertambah sebanyak 6% yang menjadikan total persentasenya sebanyak 44% level 4 Penjelasan Skill Marksmanship ultimate skill drow ranger ini bersifat pasif, skill ini akan memberikan drow ranger bonus agility yang cukup banyak yaitu sebesar 80 agility level 3. Tetapi jika ada hero musuh yang berada di 400 radius dekat drow ranger maka skill ini akan non aktif. Talent Bonus agility yang didapatkan bisa bertambah jika mengambil talent, talent tersebut menambah +20 agility lagi dengan total agility yang diterima drow ranger sebanyak 105 agility level 3 Aghanim Scepter Ultimate skill drow ranger dapat diupgrade dengan aghanim scepter, ketika diupgrade serangan/projektil drow ranger akan memantul kedua unit lainnya yang berada dekat dengan target utama. efek dari aghanim ini mirip skill Moon Glaive milik luna yang memantulkan serangan tetapi untuk drow ranger pantulannya hanya untuk dua unit saaja. Damage yang di hasilkan dari serangan pantulan tersebut sebesar 50% dari damage aslinya drow ranger. Skill Build Core LevelFrost Arrows Gust Precision AuraMarksmanship 1√ 2√ 3√ 4√ 5√ 6√ 7√ 8√ 9√ 10 11√ 12√ 13√ 14√ 15 16√ 17 18√ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Hero Talent HERO TALENT √+25 Marksmanship Agility25+350 Gust Distance/Knockback +14 Strength20+6 Precision Aura Damage√ √+20 Attack Speed15+175 Health √+5 All stats10+15 Movement Speed Item Build Core Starting Items Tango dan healing salve akan sangat membantumu bertahan lebih lama di lane, Ring of protection dan Slippers of Agility nantinya dapat di upgrade menjadii ring of aquila. Ironwood branch menambahkan all stat milikmu dengan harga yang sangat murah. Early Items Power treads menambah statsmu serta menambah attack speed yang sangat diperlukan oleh drow ranger. Ring of aquila menambah stats agility milikmu serta memberi mana regen yang cukup banyak untuk drow ranger, Dragon lance akan menambah jarak seranganmu serta menambah stats milikmu dan attack speed. Mid Items Shadow Blade akan memberikanmu skill untuk dapat kabur, dan juga nantinya dapat diupgrade menjadi silver edge. Manta style akan memboost jumlah stats yang drow ranger miliki serta memberikan skill aktif bayangan yang mempermudahmu dalam push atau war. Late Items Upgrade shadow blade menjadi silver edge, item ini akan memboost statsmu dan juga memberikan efek break ke musuh, sangat cocok melawan hero dengan pasif skill yang merepotkan. Butterfly memboost agility milikmu dan juga memberikan damage, attack speed serta evasion kepadamu sangat wajib untuk drow ranger miliki. Upgrade dragon lance menjadi hurricane pike, item ini akan menambah attack speed milikmu dan juga skill buat kabur tentunya. Terakhir jangan lupa membeli aghanim scepter, dengan damage dan attack speed yang dimiliki oleh drow akan sangat memudahkannya mempush serta membunuh musuh saat war. Situasional Items Jika memang hero musuh memiliki banyak disabler disarankan untuk membeli BKB. Well gak ada salahnya membeli blink dagger, item ini mempermudahkan drow ranger dalam mendekati atau menjauhi musuh. Sangat disarankan untuk membeli item ini, satanic akan membuatmu sangat sulit dibunuh ketika war Mjolnir yang setelah update patch sudah tidak menjadi attack modifier lagi. Sangat cocok untuk drow ranger karena memberikan attack speed yang sangat tinggi kepadanya. Jika tidak ingin membeli manta style, anda bisa membeli sange yasha untuk drow ranger, item ini juga menambahkan damage dan memberikan efek maim kepada musuh. Game Early Game Di fase lane saat early game berlangsung, cukup fokus last hit creep dan dapatkan gold sebanyak mungkin pada fase ini. Jika anda melawan melee di lane anda, cukup harass ketika ia ingin last hit creep. Tetap harass dia hingga akhirnya darah sedikit dan balik ke base atau menggunakan shrine. Jika support anda memiliki skill disable yang cukup baik, akan sangat mudah bagimu untuk mendapatkan first blood di lane hanya dengan mengandalkan skill 1 milikmu. Jika musuh di lane adalah range juga, suruh support anda di lane untuk mengharassnya. anda tetap fokus dalam last hit dan deny creepmu sendiri agar tidak memberikan exp ke hero musuh. Jika sudah mencapai level 6 maka bermainlah agak sedikit agresif dengan mem push tower mereka. sangat mudah bagimu untuk mendapatkan tower musuh di level 6. Mid Game Tetap lakukan pushing farming di lane anda, jika beruntung anda bisa mendapatkan tower tier 2 musuh di lane. Jika berhasil mempush habisi creep yang ada di hutan anda lalu pergi ke lane lain untuk menghancurkan tower mereka. Jika tim anda melakukan smoke, ikutlah bersama mereka. Posisikan diri anda selalu berada di tengah-tengah tim, jangan terlalu belakang dan jangan terlalu depan. Ketika musuh terlihat langsung gunakan Gust lalu hit dengan Frost Arrows milikmu, dijamin musuh tidak akan bisa kabur dan dengan beggitu anda mendapatkan kill dengan sangat mudah. Setelah mendapatkan kill lakukan push ke musuh, setelah mendapatkan tower pergilah ke roshan dan mengambil aegis. Setelah anda mendapatkan aegis lakukan push mid, dan jika berjalan dengan baik anda bisa mendapatkan barrack di mid lane musuh. Late Game Di late game posisi anda saat war akan sangat menentukan jalannya war tersebut, jangan memposisikan diri anda terlalu dekat dengan musuh. selalu posisikan diri anda dengan jarak terjauh dari serangan anda. Ingat jangan kelihatan terlebih dahulu pada saat war, selalu tunggu hingga musuh terlihat semua lalu anda juga muncul. Setelah itu segera gunakan Gust dan lalu hit musuh, jangan incar hero tanker mereka tetapi incarlah hero yang dapat dengan mudah anda bunuh yaitu hero dengan hp yang tipis. Jika anda melakukan seperti yang tertera diatas maka kemungkinan besar kemenangan akan menjadi milik anda, segera push mid dan hancurkan ancient mereka. Teman & Musuh Teman Shadow Demon Akan sangat mudah bagimu jika push bersamanya, hero ini dapat menggandakanmu menjadi 2 bayangan dengan damage setiap bayangannya adalah 60%. Tanker Apalagi yang lebih menyenangkan dari mendapatkan free hit? yah mereka akan membantumu mendapatkan free hit dari jauh. Musuh Slark Berhati-hatilah ketika berhadapan dengan slark, hero ini sangat mudah membunuhmu dengan skill yang dimilikinya Pugna anda tidak dapat di hit ketika terkena efek ghost, pugna akan sangat menyebalkan jika menjadi musuh. Riki Mungkin dialah worst enemy untuk drow ranger, hero ini akan sangat menyusahkan karena memiliki skill menghilang serta dapat blink yang membuatmu kehilangan bonus agility dari ultimate skillmu. Phantom Assassin Hero ini akan sangat mudah membunuhmu, hero dengan kritikal damage tertinggi di dota 2 ini memiliki skill blink yang langsung mendekatimu. Sebaiknya berhati-hati saat melawan PA Pudge & Clockwerk Clockwerk sangat mudah baginya untuk mendekatimu, dengan combo skillnya akan membuatmu mati konyol. Apalagi jika berhadapan dengan pudge, hero dengan kemampuan ganking yang tinggi ini akan sangat menyusahkan mu di early mid game, hero ini akan sangat mudah membunuhmu dengan combo skill miliknya. Penutup Drow ranger atau biasa dipanggil traxex di dota 1 adalah hero agility dengan kemampuannya yang dapat menambah agility serta menambah damage ke range hero di timnya. DR memiliki damage yang sangat tinggi di early game yang membuatnya sangat mudah untuk mempush tower musuh sekaligus menghancurkannya. Tetapi walaupun dengan damage yang tinggi hero ini sangat mudah dibunuh. Referensi Steam community
Armor2.08 Movement 300 SKILLS Frost Arrows Casting Method: Active Targeting Method: Unit Allowed Targets: Enemy Units Key Bind: Q Adds a freezing effect to Drow's attacks, slowing enemy movement. Range: 625 Duration: 1.5 (7 on creeps) Movement Speed Slow: 11% / 24% / 37% / 50% Mana Cost: 12 Silence Casting Method: Active Targeting Method: Area
Traxexing you down A Drow Ranger guide pumpermoose March 7, 2013 Introduction HELLO and WELCOME! This is my first guide ever, so may take a little while to polish it off nicely. This is the guide for my style of play for my favorite character since Warcraft 3 dota 1 the Drow Ranger and I thought I could share my play style, and hopefully get some sweet feedback to get my own gameplay a lot better. Drow is arguably one of the best hard carries in the game. A well farmed Traxex is just devastating in team fights, in 1 v 1 and almost every other situation from mid game onward. She is most definitely a hero to be feared and respected when playing with or against her. Please post some comments to help me get my own gameplay better and to get some discussion going on about Traxex! Don't just down vote, if you want to tell me why so I can mull over conflicting views and get better as a player! Thanks! Pros / Cons Pros - Frost Arrows and chase down fleeing opponents - DPS Damage/second is off the charts - Range damage increase via percision aura - Can be a difference maker in team fights - 6 second Silence... O - Easy at last hitting because of base damageCons - Squishy like real squishy - Item dependent escape mechanism - Cant team initiate - Disabled easily - Needs to be farmed well to be supremely effective Abilities Frost Arrows The bread and butter of the Drow Ranger. Work supremely well when ganking because you can just right click and watch as you slow them shot after shot as they try and run. Experienced players will often stand and fight, but even then you can just run and slow, run and slow. The only time they are truly effective is after level 2, which I try to get by level 5, as they allow for a 24% reduction in speed They are effective only then because you can slow them enough to run and chase them to hit them again. I aim to have the arrows maxed by level 9-12 depending on what how heavily your team needs your Silence. This gives you a solid foundation to control enemies and dictate the speed of the game from mid all the way till the end of the game. I would not recommend to auto cast these while creeping as they are 12 mana a shot and with the attack speed drow has, it can be costly on the mana front. Silence The toast to Drow's bread and butter... This is arguably the best aspect of Traxex, a 6 second silence when maxed out. In most team fights that is majority of the fight, thus giving your team a large advantage. I aim to have a level 3 completed by level 10 as it provides 5 second silence which WILL make a huge difference in mid game team fights. Depending on the game, let's say you are roaming and ganking heavily, and then you may have it at level 4 before level 10 instead of getting the early game aura. Precision Aura As you get more agility, your fellow range team mates get stronger and so do you. I'm a fan of getting free damage bonuses, thus why I get this ability bumping fairly quickly. It is effective when you have lower agility in the early game, but it really becomes super effective mid and late game when your agility begins to sky rocket, thanks to Marksmanship. I let level 2 stand for most of the game as the slow and silence are a huge aspect of Drow's control, but I like it early on as it gives you the extra damage for last hits and harassing enemy heros while in lane. It's also useful to toggle on and push lanes when there is a few range units and some siege, great for when you have the enemy on the ropes and force them to defend towers as your creeps are stronger than theirs. Marksmanship This ability really fires me up, haha, giving damage, attack speed, ramping up your Trueshot aura. Everything about it screams success. It helps enable drow to be a force to be reckoned with starting at level 6, when I have seen myself have 103 damage... the farming advantage this gives you is superb, allowing you to put in a lot more work on getting those last hits sooner and allowing you even to jungle as you do more damage when enemies heros aren't around. Get this every opportunity you can. The bonus is just too good to ignore. Items TO START So my item build with drow is probably fairly regular for the Traxex. It works, haha, its hard to really vary greatly with Drow. The only thing I do a little differently is the beginning and laning phases. I always start off with 2 Slippers of Agility, 1 Circlet and a single Tango. The Circlet I like to have because it gives you +2 strength as opposed to a 3rd Slippers of Agility which only gives +3 agility ,I see a lot of Drow players doing and it doesn't give the same early game survivablility if they try anything to early. IN THE FIRST 8-12 MINUTES I always try to get 2 Wraith Band up and going ASAP, hog the Animal Courier if you have to until you have both of those, even if they come down just 1 at a time. I experimented doing a Poor Man's Shield for a while and although it is helpful, I find the bonus health granted from the +3 strength and mana from the +3 intelligence is more helpful then avoiding 20 damage. Wraith Band is so helpful at the early stages for remaining in the lane, giving you more everything mana, HP and damage. A lot of people dont use the courier in the early game, so take it if its free. Once these are both up, Speed boots, Town Portal Scroll then Power Treads. I cant stress enough the importants of getting a Town Portal Scroll before completing Power Treads. It lets you move to where Drow is needed for ganks and lets you get back to base quickly if you run out of tangos and are low on life. Power Treads are the final thing I get before I leave the lane and begin my major offensives. [[power treads usually come around level 6 - 8 depending on how well you farmed, and your team will need help around then so you should start ganking. TP to top/bot lane and buy the items at a secret shop there following a gank. Slight aside Note If your support didn't place an Observer Ward on their high ground while you play middle, get the couier to bring a set with your Boots of Speed. Its a bother to lose out 150 gold, but it can mean your life if they have a Pudge on the opposite side of the river. MY Hard Carry Mid Game Method of Escape Pick one My hard carry build is probably fairly typical of Drow players in pub games and is extremely effective. Increase in agility, increase in survivability and increase DPS. I start with getting Yasha right after I have the Morbid MaskYou cna get the Yasha before the Morbid Mask but I find it really good to farm in the jungle after team fights or when waiting for ganks, then you are not wasting any time. Yasha grants increases attack speed, increase movement speed and increase agility equals great success when put on Traxex. The Helm of the Dominator grants life steal you may already have the Morbid Mask, which is huge, allowing you too farm your health and gold back up, in the jungle, and not making you go back to bass following a team fight, you can just heal in jungle, lets you to 1v1 Roshan at level 14 and allows you to take control of the Alpha Wolf which grants a passive attack damage aura, effecting you and your team mates.... Just have the little guy follow you around and troll your opposition with free increase damage. Who doesn't love free increases in damage? Crystalys is a necessary item on drow. Critical damage + DPS = game over for enemies. Heart of Tarrasque or Satanic are problem items to kill people late game, So if you get the Crys, you do more damage, often killing more enemy hero's thus not allowing them to get the farm tehy need. Following the Helm of the Dominator I feel there is an important tactical decision to make. We have to choose our Method of Escape. Decision Time It is time to decide how your game will play out based on enemy heros and based on how farmed you are thus far. This is the time when you choose your Method of Escape. Drow needs a method of escape, she is far less effective without it. If you have other invis heros on your team, the other team likely will go for invis detection, so I'd recommend going the Manta Style route. If your team does not have invis the otehr team will not have gone for invis detection yet. and yo uwill have a strong advantage going with the Shadow Blade. So for a long time I was getting Manta Style, but I have changed to getting the Shadow Blade. I feel like it gives me more options with my play style as a drow to both survive and be a threat in the game. When you play good players, they know to counter your invis with observer wards or dust of apperance. So you have to be aware of of whats going on in the game. This may be an item to avoid if the other team is countering invis. I used this item for a long time, it is tried and tested good. Using it to get away while being chased, to knock down towers, to turn and fight someone who is chasing you down. The opportunities to use this item are endless. I still do get this item when ever I dont get the Shadow Blade. It gives you strength, agility and mana, movement speed and the illusions ability. Its a great item you cant really go wrong with, I have started to prefer the Shadow Blade but if they are on invis lockdown mode go this route. Another great thing about this item is if you time the casting, you can avoid being stunned by dodging it when you transfer into 3 of yourself. Great trick to get really good with as it gives you another method of escape and survivorability. Recently I I have preferred to get a Shadow Blade over the Manta Style, but it is incredibly situational. It gives the Drow a mechanism for escape, and if you have a sweet farm, you can have it before the 25 min mark. I was getting Manta Style before it for a long time, but I think Shadow Blade gives you more options as you can gank, flee and give your team some vision before an initiation. They call her the Closer For my end of the game build, I get Daedalus first. Just max out that crit damage asap. I never get Butterfly until the end of the game. Monkey King Bar is my preferred item if the game lasts this long following maxing crit damage. true strike is incredibly helpful as you never miss shots... completely nullifying the Butterfly or Heaven's Halberd the opponent may have gotten. Just makes your end game very strong. For me Manta Style is now an end of game item. You may need to get it at another point in the game but I aim to have it later on in the game. I personally have never made it far enough into my build to get my Satanic or Butterfly, but the Satanic is great for end game health and the Butterfly works well for all agility heros. IF you even go that far, not bad options, but save Butterfly for last. Situational Items Drow Black King Bar If you are playing a team who is heavy with nukers, you may want to pick one of these up. I'm not a huge fan of the BKB, but its hard to ignore when you are constantly getting signalled out in team fights and are un able to contribute. The reason I avoid it is because it does not contribute to your offensive power as it is more of a strength based item. See who the other team has and understand that you may or may not have to go this route. Sange and Yasha I very rarely get this item as it delays you getting bigger and badder as a DPS machine. When you are getting beat up because oyu are to squishy, you can go this route as it gives you +16 strength on top of the other great thigns that come from Yasha. It also gives the greater maim ability which can slow down enemies even furthur on top of your slows. Not a bad item to increase your HP, but you are better off going the Manta Style route. Sange and Yasha is a cheaper way to do HP increase than manta, but it just depends on the situation you are in in the game. Poor Man's Shield Not a bad starting item. Can be helpful as it blocks 20 damage from coming in allowing you to stay in the lane a little longer and be a little more aggressive. Combine it with a Wraith Band and its not a bad way to start the game. You start with the items to go this way anyway so you may as well if your feeling it. Just a matter of preference. Ring of Aquila Not a bad item to pick up if you feel like spending the extra gold. Drow isnt a huge mana user, so you dont necessarily need the mana regen. The armour can be helpful early game for newer players and the mana regen can be helpful to people who cast a lot of Frost Arrows. I prefer to spend my goal on working towards Power Treads or get parts of Yasha or Morbid Mask. Individual preference for this item, I dont use it often but it is a possibility. Eventuall you will have to sell it, but its not bad in mid stages. Early Game I usually like to lane middle with Drow but really she can play in any lane as long as it isn't with another hero who needs tons of farm. Last hit, last hit, last hit. Deny, deny, deny. Harass, harass, harass. These are the 3 keys tasks when laning with Drow. Be mobile, dont push past sight lines and stay behind creeps. She is so squishy, you cannot afford taking shots from the tower or being struck by creeps nor getting shots from enemy heros or spells. Wraith Band helps with her squishy ness, so make sure to get 2 of those on your Drow by the 5th minute, hog the courier and make it happen, it will make her very powerful in her lane. However, be cautious for the entire game on this front, there is no real way drow gets her health up because we dont buy items for that. Her purpose is to max out DPS, not get health. When I do play middle, I like to either ask my support to put up a ward for me on their high ground, or even do it myself. It will pay off in the long run as it allows you to see if a Pudge will be looking to line up a Meat Hook on you, a windrunner is looking to send an Powershot or even a Keeper of the Light sending a Illuminate your way. It also lets you see if they have a gank coming your way on the high ground if you have been hitting the tower. It can keep you in the lane longer and thus able to farm more gold. Remember also to check the runes and collect them if they are up; find a DD early in the game means early kills. If you find one, go to a lane and start killing the enemy heros. Being mobile is very important, always be on the move, and try not to venture to far onto the opposite high ground, makes you an easy target for any ganks or counter attacks. If you have chased off the enemy hero push the tower by all means, but start pulling back to your next creep wave when you only have that last creep working with you as tower shots will diminish your health rapido! After level 6, start being a little more aggressive, the attack bonus at this stage in the game because of Marksmanship is great giving you higher damage then majority of hero's and so you should start harassing enemy heros even more so. If you are in the middle try and organize a gank on the opponents long lane, or even your long lane. If you know the other team has someone jungling go in with a teammate and get an easy kill. Always return to lane though, there isnt really a point in Traxex's game where you can sit idle not accumulating gold. Early Game Summaiton Use the courier and stay in lane as long as possible. stay until level 6-8 Last Hit and Deny Farm heavily as your team needs you to get a significant gold advantage Harass enemy hero's frequently to lower their farm Target arrows and use them sparingly, do not auto-cast unless ganking or fleeing a gank Mid Game For me, the mid game is when Drow comes into her own. Yasha, Helm of the Dominator and Power Treads are what you should be working with by around level 11. Roam around lane to lane working with your team for ganks, playing defense, pushing towers and helping your team in fights. As Drow, I try to never initiate a team fight. You wait for one of your stunners to disable, then you cast Silence and Frost Arrows and clean up. It is very important to cast Silence in a team fight as it should be maxed out by this stage of the game and is then forcing the other team to be without some of their key abilities for 6 seconds. You should cast it following your teams casting stuns the enemy hero should still be stunned, but dont cast it right after. Try to get as many people as you can with your Silence and then specifically target those that are silenced so their abilities never become a threat. If there is a dominant enemy hero who your team wants you to silence then target them so your team can get an early advantage in a team fight. If you see heros fleeing a team fight target them with some Frost Arrows so your team can catch up and help out, and then you eliminate more opposing heroes as well. Push towers after team fights, assuming you win them. Drow has a nice range and the DPS allows her to knock off towers very quickly giving you lane advantage and making the game ever closer to being over. Remember to have a Town Portal Scroll as this is drow's only way to escape enemies until you have the Shadow Blade. Run to the forest and tp out if you dont think you will be able to run away. When you heal, do so in jungles as this is beneficial to both your gold and your life because of Helm of the Dominator. While in the jungles, if you see alpha wolf dominate it because it gives you a sweet attack bonus. Just set the little sucker to follow and it gives you and your team a nice passive bonus. If you find an opportunity around levels 14-16, and have Helm of the Dominator and Yasha, solo roshan. You can do it; I try and do it every game. Try to have someone wait outside or place a ward just to give you a heads up if the enemy decides to Rosh at that same time. Mid Game Summation Continue farming, but leave the lane to help your team in fights, ganks and push towers Use the jungle to gain life instead of buying pots or going back to base Have a Town Portal Scroll always Don't initiate team fights, let the disablers do that and you follow up with a [silence]] Choose a Method of Escape Yasha or Manta Style Dominate a alpha wolf. Solo roshan End Game So around this stage, you truly are the difference maker on your team. You get +40 agility because of Marksmanship, you have a passive life steal because of Helm of the Dominator, critical damage because of Crystalys or Daedalus, and your DPS is through the rough. Stay with your team, move as a team and stay at the back. Push lanes together and don't leave your team hanging. When the decision is to push into a base, do it! Try and show up a second later to the fight so you are not disabled immediately, cast your Silence on their big nukers and pray on them with your Frost Arrows and life steal. After team fights continue pushing lanes. Dont worry about heroes if there is only 3 of them and 5 of you, kill towers and Barracks. Save team mates when you can, but focus on killing the barracks as it gives you a creep advantage which can win you the game if they start counter pushing. Dont stay in lanes by yourself unless you are confident you can get away as you are still a squishy hero. Remember to try and have a Town Portal Scroll, or be in lanes with another hero, the respawn time isnt worth it when you get caught in a gank. Many people have Blink Dagger at this time so if a disabler blinks near you Silence them and town portal away or stand your ground and fight if its just one hero looking for a quick kill on you and you think you can take them with your life steal/frost arrow combo. An effective method is Frost Arrows and run away, and repeat until they run away which is when you start to chase the. You should always have your auto cast on Frost Arrows at this stage unless you are attacking creeps or you start losing health, then you should switch it, so be able to recognize the different scenarios when you have to make a quick switch in order to save your life. End Game Summation Stay with your team, you are far too squishy to be caught alone Push towers and racks with your team Stay and fight with your team, if you are losing health turn off the auto cast arrows and life steal because of Helm of the Dominator. Always have a town portal scroll to defend your own towers and to TP back to base Lazer Beam So my lazer beam Drow is just something I have been doing for fun recently, a buddy of mine showed me the build and it is really fun to play. The way he showed it to me, Frost Arrows and Silence were the last 8 abilities to get. I couldn't bring myself to deviate so far from my usual build and people get way to mad if you don't at least have a 3 second silence, but try my version out and see how well you like it! WARNING!! It does take a little bit more skill and patients to play as you are more susceptible to damage and spells without Frost Arrows and Silence. You are not really playing Drow the way she is meant to be played. People WILL yell at you and call you a noob. Don't take it the wrong, they just aren't open minded to different ways to play heros! Essentially, you are just trying to max Drow out on agility as fast you can by level 11, then go for the big ticket items. Power Treads you get this before level 11 to have a ganking presense, Yasha to get a movement speed boost, attack speed boost and combining +16 agility in there, Mask of Madness to pop and destroy with mad attack speed, Crystalys and Daedalus for that crit damage, Shadow Blade to pop up on enemies and surprise them. The item ordering for me the last few games has changed around a little. I find farming for the Shadow Blade takes to long unless you have part of the mask first ie Morbid Mask. Yasha is a must following the 3-4 Wraith Bands and the completion of your Phase Boots. Between Crystalys and Shadow Blade is where I sometimes change it up. If my team is orchestrating the initiating well I will go for crit damage instead of the invis surprise. Still trying to figure out this piece of the build, have yet to play enough games with doing one thing or the other to figure out which is truly beneficial. But when I know, you'll know My success has been about 50-50 in pubs and about 65-35 in my play circle. Try it out, see if you like it and give me some feedback on this build! Unique Manuevers Orb Walking The ability to attack your enemy with a slow then run after them without the the effect wearing off to hit them again, essentially keeping them within your range at all times. So I didn't make this video but it expresses well what I would do in the instance of a one on one battle when you are Orb Walking. I would recommend putting in more than one shot into Orb Walking. In the video he auto casts only at the last exchange, but I would have auto-cast my Frost Arrows if/when I am Orb Walking. Another thing to keep in mind is that you have to move while your attack animation is on cooldown, so the second Drow has realeased hero arrow, you are clicking in front of the enemy hero to move towards them, as you move closer hit them again. It takes some practice to get used to when to attack and when not to. I would only recommend doing this in one on one scenarios. Ability Dodging Using a Manta Style at the moment just before impact of a targeted projection spell stuns, lightnings, dagon, etc. and some aoe instant spells [rupture, ghost ship, etc. where you are able to dodge the impact and escape without taking damage or being stunned/effected by the spell. This is the reason I used Manta Style in my build for a long time and still throw it in if I am not farming for a Shadow Blade. It is just incredibly helpful to be able to dodge Sven's Storm Hammer or skeleton king's hellfire blast or Dragon Knight's Dragon Tail while in dragon form and Sniper's Assassinate, gyro copter's Homing Missile and so many other target abilities. Being able to master this unique move enables you to play at greater skill levels and be more heavily relied on by your team. Definitely something to work towards if you are interested in improving your Dota play. There were no Drow dodges available, but these break the skill down to show you how it can be done. Friends and enemies Pretty much any disabling hero is a friend of Drow's. These are a few of my favorites who I have had a lot of success playing with. Death Prophet is my favorite to be on a team with as Drow. Her Silence is just as powerful as Drow's... giving your team a 12 second grace period on beefy heroes. It is a very awesome combo to have on a team. Exorcism is added heavily by drow's Frost Arrows as the fleeing enemy take more damage because they are stuck in the AOE. Disruptor is also a great friend of drow and one of my favorites to lane with. Kinetic Field traps enemies so that drow just shoots fish in a barrel. Also makes Silence easier to target as they have about the same AOE. Glimpse brings the enemy heros back to where they were previously, more likely than not making them closer to you, and thus easier to slow and kill. Undying super helpful in the early stages of the game is laning with Undying because of his Decay ability. Sapping enemy hero's strength is huge for a young drow because she is able to slow and chase a hero who has reduced HP making an easy target. Undying can also cast Tombstone which creates an obstacle that an enemy hero has to run around while slowed, making them even easier to kill throughout the game. He is also a tank who will take shots from enemies and is good for denying creeps. These are a few heroes who suck to play against as drow because she is so squishy and who I have had failure while playing against. Riki has a whole arsenal for killing heroes, especially squishy ones. Blink Strike, backstab, permanent invisibility and Smoke Screen are designed for 1 v 1 death. When he gets you there isn't much you can do except run out of the smoke screen, silence and attack back. This is why I stress not being alone unless you are in the jungle. Its very hard to fight Riki 1 v 1 unless you are well farmed or unless you have a team mate. Centaur Warrunner is probably my least favorite to play against. The reason being is his Return ability which makes harassing him an absolute nightmare as drow is so squishy, she cant afford to take her own damage. Stampede also perfectly counters your Frost Arrows because of the granting of max movement speed. When in Stampede he is also able to stun you, making you vulnerable to enemy attack if you are in a team fight. I always try to take out this big guy at the beginning of every fight just so he cant counter your slows. Lycanthrope also puts in work on Drow. when he is in his Shapeshift he not affected by Frost Arrows and thus tears right through your defenses. If you see him, kill him, haha, and get your team to disable him before he can ulti so you can silence and slow and kill. Summary So that is my style for playing Drow Ranger. Any feedback is greatly appreciated as I am very willing and able to learn! Important things to remember for Drow are - work on last hitting - work on staying in the lane through being mobile - communicating and orchestrating ganks - casting silence at appropriate times and catching as many people as possible - recognize when to auto cast Frost Arrows and when to not - try not to initiate fights or be at the head of the group Thank you very much for reading and may your Drow playing skills increase greatly! Enjoying Traxexing down your enemies!
Whena new game starts, the recommended items are a mix of consumables and stats items that can be upgraded for items that you need later. For example, good starting items are some tangos, a healing potion, 1-2 clarities, a circlet, and a magic stick. Every hero in Dota is unique and because of that, every hero should build different items.
Drow Ranger Affiliation AGI Radiant Strength at 25 17 + Agility at 25 22 + Intelligence 50 at 25 15 + Damage 44 – 55 Armor Movespeed 300 Range 625 range Termasuk hero yang sudah playable dari pertama kali Dota dibuat. Hero cewek ber aura gelap ini memang sangat berbahaya. Traxex adalah hero dengan pertumbuhan agility tertinggi di Dota dan memiliki potensi luar biasa di late game jika di build dan di support dengan baik. Tapi serperti hero Agility lain nya dia cukup tipis yang sering jadi bulan bulanan instant killer di early game. Hero ini tidak terlalu banyak di modifikasi oleh Icefrog ataupun Valve. Hingga menyebabkan build hero ini yang tidak terlalu beragam sehingga permainan nya akan sangat mudah terbaca. Hero ini biasa nya menjadi hero yang sering di gunakan untuk berlatih bermain Dota bagi player yang baru masuk ke Dota 2. Tapi bukan berarti hero ini buat pemula, karena kalau mau benar – benar mengeluarkan semua potensi nya tidak semudah itu untuk memainkan nya. Kenapa? Mau tahu? kita bahas dulu yuk. Skills Frost Arrows – Adds a freezing effect to Drow’s attacks, slowing enemy movement. Lasts seconds on Heroes, and 7 seconds on creeps. Frost Arrows adalah skill ngeslow nya Drow Ranger, dia akan ngeluarin panah es yang bisa ngasih efek slow Movement Speed sampai 60%, musuh dijamin ga bisa kabur. Tapi skill ini adalah Unique Attack Modifier sehingga tidak bisa digunakan bersamaan dengan item Attack Modifier lain nya seperti lifesteal nya Mask of Madness atau minus armor nya Desolator. Meski ga bisa di stack, bukan berarti ga boleh beli, malahan item lifesteal seperti Mask of Madness atau Helm of Dominator sangat disarankan. Kata nya ga bisa? tapi kok disuruh beli? nah efek yang ga keluar kan kalau di pakai bersamaan, kalau ga bersamaan ya bisa. Jadi kalau kamu ga aktifin Frost Arrows, Attack Modifier yang keluar itu dari item, tapi kalau di aktifin yang keluar slow nya Frost Arrows. Gust – Releases a wave that silences and knocks back enemy units. Knockback distance is relative to how close they are to you. Ini skill silence yang lama banget, silence nya Gust ini bisa sampai 6 detik loh dan aura pula. Tapi memang penggunaan nya ga semudah ngeklik hero target aja, karena masih ada kesempatan buat musuh untuk dodge dari skill ini. Dana unit musuh yang kena skill ini akan terima efek knock back. Precision Aura – Adds bonus damage to the physical attack of allied, ranged Hero units on the map based on a percentage of Drow’s agility. Skill ini bila digunakan akan menambahkan damage dari creeps dan renge hero di tim nya Drow Ranger selama 30 detik. Damage yang di tambahkan sesuai dengan seberapa banyak Agility atribute yang dimiliki Drow Ranger. Marksmanship – Drow’s experiences in battle improve her accuracy and effectiveness in combat, providing a passive bonus to Agility. Skill pasif yang paling dahsyat di Dota 2. Bonus atribute Agility sampai 80 point di level 3 nya membuat Attack Speed, Armor, dan Damage nya semakin besar. disinilah potensi dari Drow Ranger. Dia tidak akan kekurangan Attack Speed dengan Markmanship, makanya item yang harus dibuild diutamakan item untuk menambah Damage nya aja. Memang agility awal nya Drow cukup kecil yang bikin farming lumayan susah susah gampang, tapi di level 6 dengan ngambil level 1 nya Markmanship bikin farming jadi jauh lebih gampang setelah nya. Pick or Not Pick Butuh Hero yang bisa mendominasi late game Tidak ada blinkers di draft musuh Butuh Silencer yang multi fungsi Don’t Pick Kamu ga sabar farming doang di early – mid game Banyak Instant killer di draft musuh Kalau cuma butuh silencer nya aja, mendingan pick silencer sekalian . Buat lebih berguna, sebarkan Downloadwallpaper DOTA 2 for desktop The Drow Ranger And also new beautiful fan arts, pictures, loading screens, photos, logos, backgrounds with DOTA 2 heroes. The Drow Ranger Heroes are illustrated on this Dota 2 wallpaper: Drow Ranger. Free Download. Size. Choose a size: XLarge (2560 x 1440)
OverviewMatchesChangelogEquipmentResponses Health 472 1044 1726 1990 Armor Magic R Damage 49-56 89-96 130-137 147-154 Traxex, the Drow Ranger[edit] Drow Ranger's given name is Traxex-a name well suited to the short, trollish, rather repulsive Drow people. But Traxex herself is not a Drow. Her parents were travelers in a caravan set upon by bandits, whose noisy slaughter of innocents roused the ire of the quiet Drow people. After the battle settled, the Drow discovered a small girl-child hiding in the ruined wagons, and agreed she could not be abandoned. Even as child, Traxex showed herself naturally adept at the arts they prized Stealth, silence, subtlety. In spirit, if not in physique, she might have been a Drow changeling, returned to her proper home. But as she grew, she towered above her family and came to think of herself as ugly. After all, her features were smooth and symmetrical, entirely devoid of warts and coarse whiskers. Estranged from her adopted tribe, she withdrew to live alone in the woods. Lost travelers who find their way from the forest sometimes speak of an impossibly beautiful Ranger who peered at them from deep among the trees, then vanished like a dream before they could approach. Lithe and stealthy, icy hot, she moves like mist in silence. That whispering you hear is her frozen arrows finding an enemy's heart. Not many can escape Drow Ranger once she's within range. After her foes have been silenced with a chilling blast, she finishes them off with a barrage of slowing, ice-tipped arrows that few can survive. Abilities[edit] QRAdds a freezing effect to Drow's attacks, slowing enemy movement and dealing bonus Speed Slow10%/25%/40%/55%Bonus Damage6/12/18/24 21/27/33/39 10Frost Arrows now apply a Hypothermia stack to enemies, increasing damage from Frost Arrows and reducing their regeneration per stack. If an enemy dies with Hypothermia stacks, they burst and deal damage per stack and slow in an area around not pierce Debuff be by attack range arrows pierce the silence, chilling their victims to the slow does not stack with itself, only refreshes the duration. WEReleases a wave that silences and knocks back enemy units. Knockback distance is relative to how close they are to Drow. Drow Gains Movement Speed for the same Speed Bonus10% 25% 10Move Speed Duration3/4/5/6Knockback Knockback Distance450Gust Reveals Invisible Units Doesn't reveal Wards 15Cast Range 900 Cast Point Cast Backswing 19/17/15/13 15/12/11/9 Does not pierce Debuff by cast range is rather fond of the tranquility of physical combat, calling on her Drow heritage to end the incantations of opposing distance depends on how close the enemy is. The closer the enemy, the further the unit is knocked back. The gust moves at 2000 speed. ETChanneling. Drow releases a flurry of arrows in continuous salvos, hitting enemies for extra damage and applying longer duration Frost Base Damage Bonus100%/120%/140%/160% 125%/145%/165%/185% 20Arrow Slow Range Multiplier175%Channel 25Cast Point 0 Cast Backswing 0 26/24/22/20 18/16/14/12 Pierce Debuff by attack range the ranger's youth, learning to fire multiple arrows at once was considered a distracting frivolity. In the war of the Ancients, such technique has become strange necessity. MarksmanshipRPDrow's experiences in battle grant her a chance to launch arrows with incredible accuracy and effectiveness. Pierces through the enemy's defenses, ignoring their base armor. Grants Drow and nearby ranged heroes with bonus agility based on Drow's current agility, with allies receiving 50% of the bonus Drow receives. This ability is disabled if there is an enemy hero Attack Chance20%/30%/40% 52% 25Disabled by not affect Drow Ranger is the epitome of archery icy effect is visible on Drow Ranger when no heroes are near. Pierces base armor, not total armor. Bonus damage is treated as regular single instance of damage that cannot crit. Piercing attacks grant True Strike Split shot arrows target random units within a radius around the target. Split shot arrows do not spawn if the original attack misses. Aghanim's Shard[edit] DDDrow Ranger creates a hill of ice beneath her. While standing on the hill, attackers gain bonus attack range and high ground advantage - they cannot miss and gain flying vision. Drow Ranger additionally gets bonus Multishot arrows per wave while on the hill. The front of the hill obscures vision and cannot be moved Knockback Distance175Enemy Knockback Range 400 Cast Point Cast Backswing 20 Granted by Aghanim's by cast range bonus. Talent Tree[edit] Talent Tree +3 Multishot Waves 25 +12% Marksmanship Chance -4s Gust Cooldown 20 +25% Multishot Damage -8s Multishot Cooldown 15 Gust Reveals Invisible Units Doesn't reveal Wards +15 Frost Arrows Bonus Damage 10 +15% Gust Self Movement Speed Recent Changes[edit] Version Balance Changes Frost Arrows Hypothermia effect is now granted by Aghanim's Scepter instead of Aghanim's Shard Hypothermia Bonus Damage per stack increased from 5 to 15. Max Stacks increased from 7 to 9. Regen Reduction per stack increased from 8% to 10% Glacier New ability granted by Aghanim's Shard Drow Ranger creates a hill of ice beneath her. While standing on the hill, attackers gain bonus attack range and high ground advantage - they cannot miss and gain flying vision. Drow Ranger additionally gets 1 bonus Multishot arrow per wave while on the hill. The front of the hill obscures vision and cannot be moved through. Duration 8s. Mana Cost 75. Cooldown 25s Frost Arrows Aghanim’s Shard Regen Reduction per stack decreased from 10% to 8% Marksmanship Now only grants allied ranged heroes half of the bonus Agility Gust Cooldown increased 16/15/14/13s to 19/17/15/13s Click here to view the version history. Notable Players[edit] Kom4rt Koala Additional Content[edit] Official Hero Page Standard Drow Ranger Core Build by Torte de Lini See also[edit] Slow Silence References[edit] v β€’ eHeroesStrength Heroes Alchemist Axe Bristleback Centaur Warrunner Chaos Knight Dawnbreaker Doom Dragon Knight Earth Spirit Earthshaker Elder Titan Huskar Kunkka Legion Commander Lifestealer Mars Night Stalker Ogre Magi Omniknight Primal Beast Pudge Slardar Spirit Breaker Sven Tidehunter Tiny Treant Protector Tusk Underlord Undying Wraith King Agility Heroes Anti-Mage Arc Warden Bloodseeker Bounty Hunter Clinkz Drow Ranger Ember Spirit Faceless Void Gyrocopter Hoodwink Juggernaut Luna Medusa Meepo Monkey King Morphling Naga Siren Phantom Assassin Phantom Lancer Razor Riki Shadow Fiend Slark Sniper Spectre Templar Assassin Terrorblade Troll Warlord Ursa Viper Weaver Intelligence Heroes Ancient Apparition Crystal Maiden Death Prophet Disruptor Enchantress Grimstroke Invoker Jakiro Keeper of the Light Leshrac Lich Lina Lion Muerta Nature's Prophet Necrophos Oracle Outworld Destroyer Puck Pugna Queen of Pain Rubick Shadow Demon Shadow Shaman Silencer Skywrath Mage Storm Spirit Tinker Warlock Witch Doctor Zeus Universal Heroes Abaddon Bane Batrider Beastmaster Brewmaster Broodmother Chen Clockwerk Dark Seer Dark Willow Dazzle Enigma Io Lone Druid Lycan Magnus Marci Mirana Nyx Assassin Pangolier Phoenix Sand King Snapfire Techies Timbersaw Vengeful Spirit Venomancer Visage Void Spirit Windranger Winter Wyvern Unreleased Heroes
DrowRanger atau yang sering disebut dengan traxex ini merupakan hero carry yang sering dipick oleh banyak pemain dota, dan cocok banget dimainkan oleh pemula. Dia merupakan hero range dengan atack damage moster. Drow Ranger's given name is Traxex-a name well suited to the short, trollish, rather repulsive Drow people. But Traxex herself is not a Drow. Her parents were travelers in a caravan set upon by bandits, whose noisy slaughter of innocents roused the ire of the quiet Drow people. After the battle settled, the Drow discovered a small girl-child hiding in the ruined wagons, and agreed she could not be abandoned. Even as child, Traxex showed herself naturally adept at the arts they prized Stealth, silence, subtlety. In spirit, if not in physique, she might have been a Drow changeling, returned to her proper home. But as she grew, she towered above her family and came to think of herself as ugly. After all, her features were smooth and symmetrical, entirely devoid of warts and coarse whiskers. Estranged from her adopted tribe, she withdrew to live alone in the woods. Lost travelers who find their way from the forest sometimes speak of an impossibly beautiful Ranger who peered at them from deep among the trees, then vanished like a dream before they could approach. Lithe and stealthy, icy hot, she moves like mist in silence. That whispering you hear is her frozen arrows finding an enemy's heart. Guide Dota 2 Indonesia - Drow Ranger atau Traxex adalah Hero Agility dengan serangan yang mematikan. Serangan teresbut berasal dari Ultimate-nya yang menambah agility dari Traxex dan aura yang memberikan tambahan damage untuk range. Dilengkapi dengan kemampuan untuk memberikan slow, silence, dan knockback, Traxex mampu menghabisi musuh yang mendekat kepadanya atau mencegah musuh yang akan kabur. Traxex merupakan mimpi buruk untuk para caster dan hero yang mengandalkan jarak dekat. - Statistik Hero Name Traxex Affiliation Radiant Strength 17 + Agility* 26 + Intelligence 15 + Damage 14 - 25 Armor HP 473 Mana 195 Movespeed 290 Sight Range 1800 day / 800 night Attack Range 625 Attack Time - Keunggulan dan Kelemahan Keunggulan Punya kemampuan untuk men-slow movement speed musuh Selain memberi damage, Ultimate-nya juga memberikan attack speed Silence sekaligus memberikan knockback Kelemahan Memiliki armor dan HP yang rendah Ultimante-nya akan hilang ketika musuh mendekat ke Drow Ranger Movement speed parah - Skills Frost Arrows Adds a freezing effect to Drow's attacks, slowing enemy movement. Lasts seconds on Heroes, and 7 seconds on creeps. Skills Information Ability Auto-cast, Unit Target Affects Enemy Units Pierces Spell Immunity No. Damage 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 Movement Slow 16% / 32% / 48% / 64% Hero Duration Creep Duration 7 Mana Cost 12 / 12 / 12 / 12 Cooldown 0 Skill Lvl Level 1 – Memberikan movement slow 16% dengan durasi ke hero detik Level 2 – Memberikan movement slow 32% dengan durasi ke hero detik Level 3 – Memberikan movement slow 48% dengan durasi ke hero detik Level 4 – Memberikan movement slow 64% dengan durasi ke hero detik Frost Arrow memiliki durasi yang berbeda ke hero dan ke creep sehingga dapat digunakan untuk farming. Meskipun begitu, fungsi utama dari Frost Arrow adalah men-slow pergerakan dari musuh sehinga Drow Ranger dapat membunuhnya. Dengan menggunakan Frost Arrow, kamu dapat melakukan harras tanpa menarik aggro dari creep. Gust Releases a wave that silences and knocks back enemy units. Knockback distance is relative to how close they are to you. Skills Information Ability Point Target Pierces Spell Immunity No. Width 250 Silence Duration 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 Knockback Duration / / / Mana Cost 90 Cooldown 16 / 15 / 14 / 13 Skill Lvl Level 1 – Durasi silent 3 detik, knockback detik, mana cost 90, dan cooldown 16 detik Level 2 – Durasi silent 4 detik, knockback detik, mana cost 90, dan cooldown 15 detik Level 3 – Durasi silent 5 detik, knockback detik, mana cost 90, dan cooldown14 detik Level 4 – Durasi silent 6 detik, knockback detik, mana cost 90, dan cooldown 13 detik Gust memberikan efek silence dan knockback secara area. Gust dapat digunakan untuk mencegah musuh melakukan cast skill atau menjauhkan hero musuh yang mendekat ke Drow Ranger. Precision Aura Adds bonus damage to the physical attack of allied, ranged Hero units based on a percentage of Drow's agility. Affects creeps for 30 seconds when cast. Skills Information Ability No. Target Affects Allies Cooldown 100 Range Damage Bonus from AGI 20% / 26% / 32% / 38% Skill Lvl Level 1 – Memberikan tambahan damage sebesar 20% berdasarkan AGI Drow Ranger Level 2 – Memberikan tambahan damage sebesar 26% berdasarkan AGI Drow Ranger Level 3 – Memberikan tambahan damage sebesar 32% berdasarkan AGI Drow Ranger Level 4 – Memberikan tambahan damage sebesar 38% berdasarkan AGI Drow Ranger Precision Aura memberikan aura untuk menambah damage dari semua unit range berdasarkan agility yang dimiliki Drow Ranger. Aura ini dipancarkan secara global. Sangat berguna jika timmu memiliki banyak hero range. Marksmanship Drow's experiences in battle improve her accuracy and effectiveness in combat, providing a passive bonus to Agility. Grants no bonus if there are enemy heroes within 400 range. Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter. Skills Information Ability Passive Agility Bonus 40 / 60 / 80 Search Range 375 Split Count 2 Damage Reduction 50% Skill Lvl Level 1 – Memberikan bonus agility sebesar 40 agility Level 2 – Memberikan bonus agility sebesar 60 agility Level 3 – Memberikan bonus agility sebesar 80 agility Markmanship memberikan bonus agility kepada Drow Ranger. Dengan main attribute berdasarkan agility, Markmanship juga memberikan attack speed kepada Drow Ranger. Markmanship dapat dikombinasikan dengan Precision Aura sehingga bonus damage dari Precision Aura akan lebih besar. Jika ada hero musuh yang mendekat ke Drow Ranger, efek dari Markmanship akan berkurang 50%. - The Verdict Guide Dota 2 Indonesia - Drow Ranger atau Traxex adalah hero agility carry yang mengerikan di late game. Bonus agility yang besar membuat damage dan attack speed dari Drow Ranger semakin menggila. Skill slow, silence, dan knockback-nya pun memungkinkan Drow Ranger untuk tidak tersentuh oleh musuh sehingga Drow Ranger terkadang menjadi incaran pertama dalam team fight. Oleh karena itu, ditambah dengan HP dan Armor yang rendah, Drow Ranger harus mampu menjaga jarak antara musuh dengan dirinya Terima kasih telah membaca panduan guide ini. Silakan memberikan masukan atau pertanyaan melalui kolom komentar di bawah. Be the neo Dota 2 Player. - Referensi Blog Dota 2 Guide Dota Indonesia TcX3.
  • drow ranger dota 2 guide indonesia